Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tips for healthy glowing skin

Your skin reflects your eating habits. Healthy balanced diet will keep your skin healthy and glowing. The better you eat, better is your skin.

For your skin to look great include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Your diet and cleanliness will keep you free from acne. Wash your face twice a day (no more) with warm water and a mild soap. Don’t over wash it, as over washing and scrubbing can cause skin to become irritated.

Avoid regular use of heavy makeup but if you go for it then, splash with cold water before applying makeup.  Cold water closes pores, so splashing  your face with cold water  ensures that your pores are protected from the environment.

The most vital way to keep your skin glowing is to keep it re-hydrated so make sure that you drink enough fluids during the day. Fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, carrot, berries,whole grain and seeds are good sources of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids which are important for the health of the skin. You can even try organic food and green tea, this will help you better.

Take enough rest. You require about 8hrs of sleep every day. When we sleep, our bodies basically reset. Hormones and chemicals are produced that are not produced when we are awake. When you are stressed, the stress hormone cortisol is produced and the effect of this is to increase oil production in the skin. This can lead to flare-ups of acne and other skin conditions.

Use moisturizer and sunscreen according to your skin type and the weather condition.

Treat yourself to a day spa once every two or three months for the ultimate skin care experience.

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