Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Lemon Tea


1 Cup Water
1 tsp Sugar
¼ tsp Tea Leaf
Pinch of Black Salt
Pinch of Black Pepper
4-5 Drops of Lemon Juice

Preparation of Lemon Tea

Boil a cup of water. To this boiling water add tea leaf.
Let it boil for a couple of minutes till the red color of tea leaf becomes visible.
To this now add sugar and black salt.
Now filter it in your drinking cup.
Then add black pepper and lemon juice.
Stir it and your Lemon Tea is ready.
If you do not have black salt you can use white salt too.

Monday, August 29, 2011






Sun dry all these spices and grind them into fine powder. Keep it into an air tight box. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011



CUMIN has a warm and powerful aroma. It is used for Tadka or Tempering the dal or vegetables. CUMIN SEEDS are even roasted and grounded into a fine powder. This powder is used to season yogurt, salad, cooked vegetables and some drinks.


SAUF looks similar to cumin seed. It has sweet and pungent taste. It is used in curries and some snack too. This seed is often roasted and eaten after meals. It aids digestion.


HEENG is both used in form of powder or lump. Only a small amount of it added to the curries gives a rich flavor. This also helps in digetion.


AJWAIN is smaller than the cumin seed. They are highly fragrant and smell and taste like thyme. It is often used for Tadka or Tempering. TADKA is a cooking method in which cooking oil is heated till very hot and whole spices are added to it and fried. This oil and spice mix is then added as a final touch or garnish to the dish. AJWAIN has properties that help it reduce the flatulence causing effect of beans. It also aids in digestion. AJWAIN is even used in preparing pickles and parathas. 


Cardamom is one of the world’s very ancient spices. Cardamom is an expensive spice, second only to saffron. The pod is used whole or split when cooked in pulses or vegetables. The seeds can be bruised and fried before adding main ingredients to the pan, or pounded with other spices as required. The pod itself is neutral in flavour and not generally used, imparting an unpleasant bitter flavour when left in dishes. It is ground mixed with other spices to make garam masala. CARDAMOM has digestive effects too.


GREEN CHILIES add heat and zest to the curries. They are even a good source of vitamin C. They are used in pickles, chutney, curries, raita, salad and are eaten raw too.


The RED CHILIES are ripe chilies. They are either soaked in water and grounded or sun dried and turned into powder. These chillies not only make the food hot but gives a red colour to the curries.


CINNAMON STICK looks like brown cigar stick but are dried brown bark of the cinnamon tree. It is a sweet aromatic spice, it has antiseptic value too. It is used in the preparation of GARAM MASALA.


Dried CORIANDER seeds are round and pale brown in colour. It is one of the basic spices used while preparing Indian curries. It is even used while preparation of pickles, chutney and vegetables.
The green CORIANDER looks almost similar to parsley. It is used to make chutney and garnishing.


CURRY LEAF is used in almost all of the South Indian dishes. It is also called as also called "sweet neem leaves." It is used almost like bay leaves, and especially in curries, usually fried along with the chopped onion in the first stage of the preparation. They are also used to make thoran, vada, rasam and kadhi. In their fresh form, they have a short shelf life, and they don't keep well in the refrigerator. They are also available dried, though the aroma is largely inferior.


FENUGREEK SEEDS are hard, small, tiny rock like to look at and has bitter taste. They are used in very small quantity while preparation of vegetables, curries, pickles and pulses.
The fresh leaves of FENUGREEK is used in vegetables and even to prepare parathas.
The dried leaves are used in the curries too and often called as kasuri methi.


When cloves of  GARLIC used in food, it brings pungent, spicy flavor. It is often used along with onion, tomato and ginger to make curries. The flavour varies in intensity and aroma with the different cooking methods. It can be added to the dishes raw, chopped or pressed garlic in many of our dishes. But if you can not tolerate the aroma of raw garlic then you can add it while cooking.
In most of the Indian dishes garlic is added either chopped or in the form of paste but now a days garlic is even available in the form of powder, ready to use.


GINGER  is used peeled, chopped or ground into paste while cooking vegetables, lentils or soups. GINGER has pungent and hot flavour. It is even used to prepare ginger tea.


MUSTARD SEED are black, brown or yellow in colour. They are used to Tadka or Tempering the dal, chutney, pickles or vegetables just like CUMIN SEED. The MUSTARD POWDER is also used to prepare vegetables.


PEPPERCORN is used both in the powdered, crushed  and the seed form in many Indian dishes.


POPPY SEED is roasted and made into paste to add in the curries. It is commonly used in the preparation of korma, ground poppy seed, along with coconut and other spices, are combined as the masala to be added at the end of the cooking step.


SESAME SEED is used like POPPY SEED roasted and made into paste to add in the curries. SESAME SEED is even used to some sweet mixed with sugar or jaggery.


TURMERIC is used in almost all the curries, it gives yellow colour to them. It is dried and used in the form of powder. It even has antiseptic quality.


Amchur is an Indian spice made from the flesh of dried green mangos. It preserves the acidic, tart, and slightly spicy flavor of unripe mangos for use in curries and other dishes.


TAMARIND adds sour taste when added to soup, vegetable or dal. It is available in form of dried pulp or paste too. Sometimes tender leaves of tamarind are even used with lentils, and it is also dried and used in place of ripe tamarind for mild flavour. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Recipes - Bread Pakora

Ingredients for Bread Pakora
2 Bread
1 Cup Gram Flour
¼ tsp Turmeric Powder
¼ tsp Ajwain ( Tymol Seed)
Red Chilly Powder
Salt to Taste
A Pinch of Baking Powder
Oil to Fry

Preparation of Bread Pakora
  • In a bowl mix gram flour, salt, chilly, turmeric powder, Ajwain and baking powder. 
  • Add water and prepare a thick batter.
  • Cut the bread in the shape you want.
  • Dip it in the batter and fry in hot oil till its golden.
  • Serve hot with chutney or sauce.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Recipes - Veg/Egg Puff


2 boiled mashed potatoes
1 chopped onions
1 green chilly
¼ tsp ginger garlic paste
¼ tsp turmeric powder
¼ tsp red chilly powder
¼ tsp cumin seed
1 tsp garam masala
chopped coriander leaves
salt to taste
1 egg or some melted butter
puff pastry sheet

Preparation of Stuffing

  • Heat oil in a pan.
  • Put cumin seed, green chilly and let it crackle.
  • Add onion and fry a bit.
  • Add ginger garlic paste, turmeric powder and fry.
  • Now add potatoes, chilly powder, garam masala, salt and saute for a while.
  • Now add coriander leaf, mix well and put it away from the flame.

Preparation of Puff
  • Set out frozen puff pastry sheet about 20 to 30 minutes before ready to use.
  • Once it defrosts, roll it a bit and then cut it. 
  • Now put the stuffing in between and give it a desired shape(triangular or square)
  • Stick the end with help of water. 
  • Apply egg or butter on it.
  • Bake it in a preheated 400F oven for 15- 20 minutes or until brown.
  • Boiled eggs can also be stuffed instead of potato masala stuffing.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Recipes - Veg Topping Pizza

Ingredients for Pizza Dough

2 ½  cups of All- Purpose Flour
1 packet Dry Yeast
½ tsp Sugar
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Oil
Water for kneading dough

Ingredients for Topping

Pizza sauce
Shredded Cheese
Mushroom diced

Preparation of Dough

  • In a bowl, take some hot water and add yeast to it.
  • Let it stand for 5 minutes, it will gradually dissolve.
  • Now in another bowl, take all-purpose flour.
  • Add oil, salt, sugar and mix well.
  • Now add yeast water and prepare the dough.
  • Cover it and let it ferment for 1 ½  to 2 hrs.

Preparation of Pizza

  • Preheat your oven at 450°F for at least 30 minutes.
  • Roll you dough, it should be thick.
  • Apply the oil on the top.
  • Now apply sauce, the other toppings you want and cheese.
  • Now bake it for about 10- 15 minutes. You can also check if the crust has turned golden brown.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Recipes - Gujiya

Ingredients for making dough

100gm All purpose flour (Maida)
10 gm oil

Ingredients for making filling

100gm Roasted Suji or Semolina
70 gm Sugar
Dry fruits( Kaju, Rasin)
Oil to fry

Preparation of Dough

  • Mix maida and oil.
  • Add required amount of water and make a soft dough.
  • Cover it and let it stand for a while.
  • Make balls out of the dough and roll into small puris.

Preparation of filling

  • Heat some oil in a pan.
  • Fry semolina little red.
  • Now add fry fruits and fry a bit.
  • Put off the flame and mix sugar and cardamom powder.
  • Let it cool.
  • Once the filling cools, fill them in the roll of puris.
  • Apply water on the edge of roll so that it can fold properly.
  • Now make design on the folded edge.
  • For this you can use mould or make it by hand.
  • Now heat oil in a pan and deep fry it on both the sides, till its light golden brown.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tips for healthy glowing skin

Your skin reflects your eating habits. Healthy balanced diet will keep your skin healthy and glowing. The better you eat, better is your skin.

For your skin to look great include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Your diet and cleanliness will keep you free from acne. Wash your face twice a day (no more) with warm water and a mild soap. Don’t over wash it, as over washing and scrubbing can cause skin to become irritated.

Avoid regular use of heavy makeup but if you go for it then, splash with cold water before applying makeup.  Cold water closes pores, so splashing  your face with cold water  ensures that your pores are protected from the environment.

The most vital way to keep your skin glowing is to keep it re-hydrated so make sure that you drink enough fluids during the day. Fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, carrot, berries,whole grain and seeds are good sources of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids which are important for the health of the skin. You can even try organic food and green tea, this will help you better.

Take enough rest. You require about 8hrs of sleep every day. When we sleep, our bodies basically reset. Hormones and chemicals are produced that are not produced when we are awake. When you are stressed, the stress hormone cortisol is produced and the effect of this is to increase oil production in the skin. This can lead to flare-ups of acne and other skin conditions.

Use moisturizer and sunscreen according to your skin type and the weather condition.

Treat yourself to a day spa once every two or three months for the ultimate skin care experience.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Recipes - Aloo Tikki Chat


4 Medium Sized Potatoes ( boiled and mashed)
1 tsp Besan
½ tsp Red Chilly Powder
½ tsp Garam Masala
1 Green Chilly Chopped
½ tsp Chaat Masala
1 Chopped Onion
Coriander Leave Chopped
Jeera Powder ( cumin powder)
Tamarind Paste
1 Cup Curd  
Chickpea Chole
2 tsp Mint Chutney
Bhujiya Seb for garnishing
Salt to taste
Oil to fry

Preparation of Aloo Tikki Chat

  • To the mashed potato add besan, chilly powder, garam masala, and salt to taste.
  • Mix them well.
  • Divide them into equal balls.
  • Flatten each ball into a round shape of around half inch thick.
  • Fry them on the pan applying oil, till its golden brown on both the sides.
  • Now take the tikki on the plate and add chole on it.
  • Put curd, tamrind and mint chutney on it.
  • Now garnish it with onions, chopped coriander, bhujiya seb, chopped chilly, jeera powder and chat masala.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Recipes - Sabudana Tikki


1 cup sabudana
2 medium potato boiled
1 finely chopped chilly
½ tsp garam masala
¼  tsp dry mango powder (amchoor)
¼ tsp chilli powder
1 tsp besan
Salt to taste
1 tbsp fresh chopped corinader
oil for deep frying

Preparation of Sabudana Tikki
  • Soak the sabudana in water for about 1 - 2 hours.
  • Drain off any excess water.
  • Mash the boiled potatoes and then mix the sabudana into it.
  • Add all other ingredients and mix well.
  • Divide the ingredients into equal parts and make round tikki’s.
  • Heat a pan and put some oil into it.
  • Now fry the tikki’s golden brown from both the sides.
  • Serve hot with some chutney.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Recipes - Sabudana Khichdi


1 Cup Sabudana
¼ Cup Raw Peanuts coarsely ground(mungfali)
1 Peeled and Chopped Potato
2 tsp Oil
¼ tsp Mustard Seeds
Few Coriander Leaves
Few Curry Leaves
1 green chilly chopped
Salt to taste

Preparation of Sabudana Khichdi

  • Wash and soak sabudana in water for 2 - 3 hours.
  • Chop the potatoes into small cubes.
  • Heat oil in a pan.
  • Put mustard seed, chilly, and curry leaves and let it crackle for a while.
  • Add potato and cook till it is soft.
  • Now add peanuts powder and fry for a minute.
  • Now add sabudana mix well.
  • Add salt.
  • Garnish it with coriander leaf.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Recipes - Vegetable Seekh Kabab


2 Potatoes
1 cup French beans
1 cup Cabbage, chopped
1 cup Carrot
2 tsp Gram Flour (besan)
1 tsp Corn Flour
1 tsp Ginger- Garlic Paste
2- 3 Green Chillies
1 tsp Tandoori Masala
½ tsp Amchoor Powder
Salt to taste

Preparation of Vegetable Seekh Kabab

  • Pressure cook all the vegetables.
  • Let it cool.
  • Now mash it and add both types of flour, ginger- garlic paste, chilly, salt, tandoori masala and amchoor powder.
  • Divide them into equal balls.
  • Now put some oil on the skewer and roll these balls around it.
  • Put some oil on baking tray to prevent sticking.
  • Put them on baking tray and bake them in the oven for about 25 - 30 minutes at 220 degree C.
  • Serve it hot with salad and chutney.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Recipes - Pani Puri or Golgappa


To make puri
1 Cup Semolina (Rava / Suji)
¼  Cup All purpose flour (Maida)
¼ Cup Urad Dal Paste
A Pinch Of Baking Powder
¼ tsp Salt
Oil to fry puris

To make pani
1/2 cup Tamarind (Imli) Pulp
2 cups Water
2 tsp roasted Cumin Seed (Jeera) Powder
2 tsp Mint Leaves (Pudina Leaves) Chutney
1 tsp Black Salt (kala namak )
Chopped corriander leaf and green chilly
Salt to taste
¼ tsp Sugar
Red Chilly powder

To Make Masala
2 Boiled Potato
Chopped Onion, Coriander and Chilly
Roasted Cumin Powder
Black Salt

Preparation of Puri
  • Mix Rava, maida , urad paste, baking powder, salt and knead it well to make a semi-stiff dough. Cover it and leave it to stand for about 10 minutes.
  • Make very small balls with the dough and roll them into circle like puri.
  • Heat oil in a pan and fry each puri by pressing with a slotted spoon, until they puff up and are golden brown.
  • Keep them on kitchen towel to remove extra oil.

Preparation of Pani
  • Take tamarind juice and mix all the ingredients mentioned. Make it in cold water or refrigerate it before serving.

Preparation of Puri Masala
  • Mash the boiled potato and mix all the ingredients mentioned.

To Serve
Pani-Puri is to be eaten as soon as it is served.
Make small hole on one side of the puri, stuff some potato masala prepared and dip it in the pani.
Enjoy delicious Pani Puri.