Monday, February 14, 2011

Recipes - Veg Topping Pizza

Ingredients for Pizza Dough

2 ½  cups of All- Purpose Flour
1 packet Dry Yeast
½ tsp Sugar
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Oil
Water for kneading dough

Ingredients for Topping

Pizza sauce
Shredded Cheese
Mushroom diced

Preparation of Dough

  • In a bowl, take some hot water and add yeast to it.
  • Let it stand for 5 minutes, it will gradually dissolve.
  • Now in another bowl, take all-purpose flour.
  • Add oil, salt, sugar and mix well.
  • Now add yeast water and prepare the dough.
  • Cover it and let it ferment for 1 ½  to 2 hrs.

Preparation of Pizza

  • Preheat your oven at 450°F for at least 30 minutes.
  • Roll you dough, it should be thick.
  • Apply the oil on the top.
  • Now apply sauce, the other toppings you want and cheese.
  • Now bake it for about 10- 15 minutes. You can also check if the crust has turned golden brown.

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