Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tips to put on weight

You would think as you need to put on weight, you can have all junk food. That's the easiest way to put on weight. With junk food you will have only increase in your fat content. You need to regulate your diet in order to put on weight. As you now its tough to loose weight same is the condition to gain weight. In short you require dedication and patience. Plan your diet.

Start taking food which have high caloric value. Lay emphasis on eating food which has high content of protein like beef, chicken, cereals, nuts & dry fruits, soya milk, tofu, pulses, milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs and paneer.

Instead of taking meals thrice a day, increase it 4 to 5 times a day. Add  vegetables, rice, oats, pasta, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, fruits like banana, yogurt. Add sour cream, sauces and dressings to plain foods and salads. Eat bread with fatty spreads such as avocado, peanut butter and olive oil or canola oil.

Dehydration is the main cause of all disease, so avoid it and drink plenty of water. When you are healthy and disease free you will be able to put on more weight.

You might think exercise is done to loose weight. This is a wrong concept. While doing exercise your body metabolism will increase and you will feel more hungry. So go on for stretch up  and some exercise on regular basis.

You all also try on for some protein supplements, it will help you to put on weight faster.

Last but not the least, take enough rest and sleep. A healthy and sound mind can create a fit and healthy body.

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